Legal Framework

Legal Framework

Intellectual Property (IP) Law

Intellectual Property (IP) is a frequently used term without a particularly concrete definition. One definition terms IP as products of the mind. IP law concerns itself with the protection of these products. The most common forms of protection are patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret law. IP laws often define both what can and cannot be done with the intellectual property itself and what one can do with a copy of that property that you lawfully possess.

International Agreements in IP Law

In international intellectual property, we consider the most important international agreements in IP law. The most important international agreements in IP law are listed below in PDF format;

  1. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
  2. Guide to the International Patent Classification – Version 2016
  3. Intellectual Property Rights
  4. International Patent Classification – Eighth Edition (2006)
  5. Trademark Law Treaty and Regulations
  6. TRIPS Agreement (as amended on 23 January 2017)
  7. WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)
  8. WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook
  9. Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
  10. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
  11. Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
  12. Other substantive, registration and classification treaties
    We also consider other substantive, registration and classification treaties. These include but are not limited to the;