
Trademark Portfolio Management Services

Do you have a portfolio of trademarks used and acquired over the years?

Trademark portfolio management allows for effective consultation and maintenance of all your trademarks. Our Trademark Portfolio management and administration services ensures that ownership, registrations, renewals are done correctly, and that enforcement action are carried out promptly and efficiently. We also provide legal advice on how to best maintain strong trademark protection for valuable assets to ensure that trademark related rights do not lapse as a result of non-use.

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Trademark Renewal Filing Services

In order to ensure that trademark registrations are maintained, additional renewals are queried from time to time depending on the governing laws applicable in different jurisdictions. It is important to monitor the maintenance and renewal deadlines that apply to trade mark registrations to protect the trade mark rights. Each jurisdiction has its own unique renewal and maintenance schedule. Our global trademark renewal and maintenance services include:

  • Preparation of required renewal documentation
  • Preparation and advice, when necessary, of use requirements
  • Preparation and filing of renewal applications
  • Prosecution of renewal applications to issuance of renewal certificates
  • Preparation and filing of required maintenance actions
  • Prosecution of maintenance actions to issuance of maintenance certificates

Trademark Opposition Services

Our Trademark Opposition Service allow trademark owners to protect their trademarks against infringements and/or dilution of their trademarks, irrespective to good or bad will of the newly filed and published trademarks. Our Trademark Opposition service consists of:

  • Filing trademark oppositions for our clients against a newly filed and published trademark which infringe earlier filed or registered trademark or other earlier registered or protected intellectual property rights.
  • Defending our clients against trademark oppositions filed by others against their trademark registration application.

Trademark Litigation Services

Our trademark litigator partners possess substantial experience in all aspects of trademark, trade dress, dilution, domain name and unfair competition litigation, including preliminary strategic evaluation, injunctions, discovery, motion practice, mediation and trial. The extensive domestic and international practices of our partners – from securing trademark rights to policing and preventing trademark infringement to litigating trademark and unfair competition matters – help maintain and enhance trademark portfolios globally.

Trademark Infringement Investigation Services

At Azer Corporate, we assist our clients to identify infringements on their trademarks, as well as taking action against these infringements. We are well-versed in both civil and criminal remedies for trademark infringement and have substantial experience in working with law enforcement and legal partners to protect against infringements. Our intellectual property infringement investigation services include:

  • Detection of infringement
  • Identification of threats
  • Undercover penetration of infringing organizations
  • Surveillance of infringing individuals
  • Service of cease and desist letters
  • Acquiring voluntary surrender of counterfeit materials

Trademark Enforcement Services

Trademark enforcement is critical as a company’s market share can be lost when customers cannot distinguish its mark from those of the competition. A tailored enforcement strategy is essential to maintaining the success of a brand. Azer Corporate comes in to assist our clients to determine the best course of action and enforce of their intellectual property rights. Our Trademark Infringement & Enforcement Services includes:

  • Trademark Investigations
  • Settlement Negotiations
  • Take Down Notices
  • Cease and desist letter.