Services and Solutions

Services & Solutions

At Azer, we take an approach to today’s emerging issues in the development, protection and exploitation of intellectual-property assets. Our services revolve around all aspects of international trademark, patent, and other intellectual property registration, administration, and dispute resolution, including the protection, maintenance and enforcement of brand properties in a number of jurisdictions.


Years of Experience


Team Members

woman sitting infront of MacBook

What We Do

At Azer Corporate, we have established the following services that broadly define our IP division:

  • Advice on a suitable trademark, patent and copyright programme
  • Registration of Trademarks, Patents and Designs anywhere in the world
  • Monitoring service to advise when others attempt to register similar marks
  • Advice in relation to all aspects of IP registration including designs, patents and copyright
  • Advice and assistance to protect IP rights from infringement and other abuse
  • IP due diligence
  • Patent and petty patent registration
  • Domain name registration
  • Development of IP escrow agreements

For additional information about our IP Services Portfolio, please contact us.

Our Team

Azer is a full-service boutique IP firm with specialist teams. Our team has a significant breadth and depth of experience and specialist expertise that spans all commercial areas of IP. At Azer our specialist teams will;

  • Guide you from the conception of your idea to the protection, enforcement and commercialization of your patents and designs.
  • Provide cost effective advice to you, our client, on the acquisition, exploitation, use and enforcement of IP rights across a wide array of jurisdictions;
  • Help you protect your investments, increase your market share and strengthen your competitive advantage.
  • Support you as a true interactive partner. We have the unique advantage, of being able to harness the expertise of practitioners throughout a number of jurisdictions.

The Azer team is ready to support your organization and give you the peace of mind knowing that your intellectual property is in capable and competent hands. To learn more about the benefits of our IP service offerings, please contact us.

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Our Solutions

Development of licensing contracts and agreements

Transfer of IP Rights and Internet Domain-names

Development of IP Escrow Agreements

Handling, Processing and Assignment of Customer Databases

Registration of Trademarks, Patents and Designs

IP Litigation focusing on Trademarks, Patents, Designs and Copyright Infringements

Designs and Patents Revocation

Brand Migration Advice

IP Due Diligence

Franchising Solutions

Competition and IP Opinions

Development of licensing contracts and agreements

A license agreement is a contract under which the holder of intellectual property (licensor) grants permission for the use of its intellectual property to another person (licensee), within the limits set by the provisions of the contract. Without such an agreement, the use of the intellectual property would be an infringement. Examples of license agreements are the software licenses concluded every time you buy software or a trademark license permitting a manufacturer to print the logo of a company on merchandise.

Typically, two types of licenses may be categorized:

  • License for certain intellectual property rights – e.g., license to reproduce and distribute a copyrighted work.
  • License for all the IP rights necessary to reproduce, make, use, sell products based on a type of technology (technology or product license).
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person holding black android smartphone

Transfer of IP Rights and Internet Domain-names

The business which does not have a web location is already operating at a disadvantage in the business world of today and this trend will become all pervasive over the next five years. A web site is becoming equivalent to signage on your business entrance.

However, a web page has one difference to the previous types of business advertisements, you are dealing with the entire world and if anyone in the world has already registered your name, you may find yourself confronting a claim to possess your name on the web even if you have used that name in your locale for decades. While many businesses have registered their trade names and logos over the years, many more are discovering that the Internet and Web sites have a different procedure for protection of trade names and to their shock discover that some other entity, often halfway around the world, has already “reserved” their name. What can be done?

The major remedies available to our client are:

  • Attempting to resolve the dispute by sending a demand letter to the infringing entity that the domain name be relinquished and transferred to our client; or
  • Arbitrating the dispute with one of the approved Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) dispute resolution providers.

Development of IP Escrow Agreements

Intellectual Property escrow is a highly popular form of business agreement relating to technology; and if you are undertaking any business that requires another person’s intellectual property on an ongoing basis it’s essential that you understand how intellectual property escrow can benefit you and your product.

In today’s business age, many goods and services are offered as a long-term agreement; this could mean that a product or service which is offered to your consumer needs to be maintained by the expert who created it on an ongoing basis. This does not necessarily just mean today or in the next six months but for years to come, perhaps for an unknown period. To mitigate the risk of the programmer or designer not being available to provide this service in the future, you can put their intellectual property into escrow.

Intellectual Property Escrow is the process involved when the owner of the IP places anything their consumer needs to replace their service – this could include, but is not limited to, paperwork relating to patents and copyright, designs, instruction manuals and any other documented knowledge required for the provision of service to continue. Putting IP into escrow will mean that all contractual obligations will be fulfilled even if the holder of the intellectual property is not available to fulfill them.

photography of three women sits beside table inside room during daytime
group of people using laptop computer

Handling, Processing and Assignment of Customer Databases

A database is defined as a collection of independent works, data or other materials which are arranged in a systematic or methodical way and are individually accessible by electronic or other means. This is a wide definition which will cover traditional mailing lists and lists of customers as well as telephone directories, encyclopedias and card indexes, whether held electronically or in paper form. There is however a distinction to be drawn between a database and its individual components. Database right protects the collection of data, not its constituent elements. These elements may or may not be protected in their own right separately from any protection afforded to the database as a whole.

Registration of Trademarks, Patents and Designs

A trademark gives assurance to the proprietor of the imprint by guaranteeing the select option to utilize it to recognize products or administrations, or to approve another to utilize it as a by-product of instalment. The time of insurance differs, yet a trademark can be restored uncertainly past as far as possible on instalment of extra charges. Trademark security is upheld by the courts, which in many frameworks have the power to obstruct trademark encroachment.

Unlike patents and copyrights, trademarks do not expire after a set term of years. Trademark rights come from actual “use”. Therefore, a trademark can last forever – so long as you continue to use the mark in commerce to indicate the source of goods and services. A trademark registration can also last forever – so long as you file specific documents and pay fees at regular intervals.

A patent is a restricted length property right identifying with an innovation, allowed by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in return for public divulgence of the creation. Patentable materials incorporate machines, fabricated articles, modern cycles, and compound organizations. A copyright protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture.

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IP Litigation focusing on Trademarks, Patents, Designs and Copyright Infringements

Purposeful and accidental Intellectual Property (IP) encroachment regularly happens at an endeavour’s start up stage. Make sure to look at what kinds of intellectual property your organization will utilize, depend on and even make. This will empower you to survey your danger of deliberate and accidental encroachment and measure the probability of recognition and coming about case.

Deliberate encroachment can happen when new pursuits, starved for money, cannot manage the cost of legitimate examination, sentiments, licenses and IP applications (Patent and Trademark). Likewise, many new companies deliberately model themselves after the predominant item or administration in the commercial centre – opening them to IP encroachment. Headstrong visual impairment (that is, not exploring when you should) is additionally far reaching and can be viewed as deliberate. Unexpected encroachment regularly happens on account of the complexities of specific businesses and the speed at which applications for new licenses and trademarks occur.

Designs and Patents Revocation

Revocation signifies cancellation of the patent rights gained to patentee. The revocation of patent can be applied by making an appeal by any individual intrigued or it tends to be likewise applied by the Central Government. In the greater part of the cases revocation are documented on a counter case against patent encroachment suits in High Court. Patents might be revoked, that is, removed from the register of patents, if it is concluded that they are invalid in some regard.

The impact of revocation is that the patent is dropped and is intended to be treated as though it had never existed. After a patent has been granted, any individual, regardless of whether they have a legitimate enthusiasm for looking for revocation or not, can apply to the specialist or the courts for a request to revoke the patent. The main exemption to this is the point at which the revocation is on the ground of non-qualification; such a case must be brought by the individual who thinks he is qualified for the patent.

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Brand Migration Advice

Many organisations have acquired brands and kept them, temporarily or permanently, under their original brand. So as to settle on an educated choice on if, when, and how to relocate, a careful report ought to be led. The general brand engineering ought to be at the establishment of this examination. This system is in every case directly derived from the business objectives. The point of this appraisal is to give a clear understanding of the risks and opportunities and to help determine which migration strategy is more appropriate for the association.

In most cases, the brand change measure starts with an underlying stage that gives direction and comprehension on the best way to deal with the marking parts of new acquisitions, explicitly on:

  • Considerations for migrating new acquired businesses to the Masterbrand—a specific overarching brand name that serves as the main anchoring point on which all underlying products are based;
  • Audit of various brand relocation situations for new acquisitions;
  • Evaluation of the best relocation situations; and
  • Step by step instructions to get sorted out for the picked situation.

IP Due Diligence

New product applications, new markets, new partners. Whether tomorrow brings a merger, reorganization, or a new licensing partner, recognizing the long-term value of your intellectual property now will help secure its commercial value and future revenue streams. Our approach to intellectual (IP) portfolio development and management starts with the goal of establishing value, protecting market share on a global scale, and capitalizing intangible assets to grow your net worth.

The strength of a company’s intellectual property portfolio often drives the value of corporate transactions. Regardless of whether you are the acquisition target or the buyer in a transaction involving IP, the due diligence process should be designed to reveal the value of the intangible assets—patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. IP due diligence should ideally be conducted at the onset of negotiations. This not only allows a more reasoned value of the IP to be determined, but also enables proactive corrective action if any legal concerns are identified that may otherwise affect its valuation.

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Franchising Solutions

Franchising is a business strategy that a company may use in capturing market share. The others are company owned units or a combination of company owned and franchised units. It is a business strategy for getting and keeping customers. With years of advisory experience, we are ready to take your business to the next level. Our team has the capabilities and experience to do it. We’re proud to help shape how leading brand’s structure and manage their business.

Our Franchising Solutions portfolio includes providing business expansion solutions to various brands, whether established or emerging, from various sectors. Right from Creating the Franchise kit, Finding the Right Franchise Partner, Best Site Selection or Finalizing the deal & Closing the Legal Agreements, we are always there.

Competition and IP Opinions

In today’s competitive environment, innovation is the mainstay for every business that leads to development of intellectual property. Identifying, developing, and leveraging innovation provides competitive edge and aids in long term success of the company. Intellectual property is not limited to technology companies but is valuable for every business which invests huge sums in research and development for creating indigenous products and services.

A company should be proactive in implementing IP solutions to identify novel innovations and increase revenues. A well-defined IP goal can result in achieving business objectives and help position the business as a leader in the marketplace. With growth in business revenues, the IP strategy can include protecting the unique aspects of the assets and foster innovations to explore new geographies. This can be achieved through licensing or joint ventures to create novel solutions that satisfy the unmet needs in the market.

A company must evaluate its existing intellectual property to determine whether it is in line with business objectives. This helps the company to identify new ways to leverage the intellectual property through licensing opportunities. Successful companies must look for new avenues to expand their product offerings, increase their sales revenue, and foray into new markets.

woman sitting infront of MacBook